The archipelago, made up of seven main islands and many other islets of predominantly granite nature, with a total area of ​​about 50 sq km and a coastal development of about 180 km, represents one of the most evocative landscapes in the world.

La tutela ambientale del territorio è affidata all’Ente Parco.

The main islands are:

  • Island of La Maddalena, located in the town of the same name;
  • Island of Santo Stefano, located in front of La Maddalena;
  • Isola di Caprera, seat of the Garibaldi Compendium, or the house museum historical residence of Giuseppe Garibaldi, and the Garibaldi Memorial, the new multimedia museum set up in the Arbuticci fort, both belonging to the Polo Museale della Sardegna, which can be visited from May to October.
  • Spargi Island;
  • Island of Budelli;
  • Razzol Island;
  • Santa Maria Island;

If you want to visit the islands, you can spend a pleasant day aboard the tourist boats that leave from the port of La Maddalena or Palau.